The OSCE is less complex than the SQE2.
Substantial additions have been made to the FLK (Functioning Legal Knowledge) requirements in the SQE syllabus, with many extra topics added throughout all 5 subject areas, like Company Finance and Personal Insolvency in Business, Appeals Procedure in Criminal Litigation, Planning Law in Property, and Dispute Resolution. The SQE will also include a whole new skill, which is not currently part of the OSCE – Case and matter analysis. Less topics to prepare for = less study time!
Make use of a success-proven route.
Especially if you have previously started to study for the OSCE, it only makes sense to finish with the QLTS route and our success-proven training, rather than being one of the first groups taking the new SQE exam, with added uncertainties.
Become a solicitor sooner.
Otherwise, the soonest would be a year from now (Aug/Sep 2022) if choosing the SQE route. After taking the MCT, the black letter law is still fresh in your mind and you can make use of a tried-and-tested exam that our delegates typically pass at their first attempt.
Time is running out!
There's only 1 more OSCE sitting: in April 2022. Bookings are open now! Details of the final OSCE exam can be found on the Kaplan website. The last MCT took place on 7 July 2021. Please see the SRA website for details on the transitional arrangements to the SQE.
No Qualifying Work Experience (QWE) needed.
The QLTS has no training or work experience requirement – you only need to pass it to qualify as a solicitor in England & Wales. After the introduction of the SQE in 2021, you might need a minimum of 2-years professional experience, to prove to the SRA that you are competent to practice.
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